What is happening in May:
Space Day: First Friday of May
Free comic book day and Herb day: first Saturday of May
Mother's Day: Second Sunday of May
Victoria Day: Last Monday of May
1 May International workers day
2 May Harry Potter Day
4 May Star War day
5 May Sign language day
8 May World Red Cross/Crescent day
9 May Peter Pan Day
18 May International Museum day
20 May World bee day
23 May World turtle day
Herb Day
The HerbDay Coalition, an organization of five non-profit groups, started National Herb Day to raise awareness about the useful properties and importance of herbs in daily life.
Herb day is usually celebrated annually on the first Saturday of May.
Herbs are plants with fragrant or aromatic properties.
Herbs can be used to flavour food, included in fragrances, and even a part of natural medicines.
Medicinal herbs have been used by humans for thousands of years to treat various diseases and health problems, and these medicinal herbs are still very popular. Various parts of these medicinal herbs, including the leaves, bark, stems, roots, seeds, and flowers, are used in making herbal remedies.
However, medicinal herbs do not cure all diseases, and many of them have risks and side effects, and herbal treatments are not currently subject to oversight by the Food and Drug Administration to determine their safety and effectiveness. Therefore, it is usually recommended to consult a doctor before using any herbal remedies.
Famous herbs:
Chili powder
You can find activities and posters here.
World bee day
Bees, members of the Apidae family, are flying insects that collect nectar and pollen. There are many different types of bees, possibly 20000 species, and there are many differences between them.
Some make honey and some don't. Some can sting, while others can’t.
Almost 90% of wild plants and 75% of leading global crops depend on animal pollination.
Present species extinction rates are 100 to 1,000 times higher than normal due to human impacts. Close to 35 percent of invertebrate pollinators, particularly bees and butterflies, and about 17 percent of vertebrate pollinators, such as bats, face extinction globally.
World Bee Day is celebrated each year on 20 May to raise awareness of the importance of bees as pollinators, the threats they face and their contribution to sustainable development
Bees are under threat.
Find activities and posters here.
Mother's day
Mother's Day in Canada is celebrated on the second Sunday in May, which makes it the same date as International Mother's Day.
The Mother’s Day was created in 1914 in the United States to honour activist Ann Jarvis, who had organized women’s groups to promote friendship and health, originated Mother’s Day Ann died on May 9, 1905.
The Canadians followed the North American example and Mother’s Day in Canada is now also celebrated on the second Sunday of May. The date gained special importance with the strengthening of the feminist movements over the last century, given the importance of the role of mothers in society as a whole.
Find Mother's Day bookmarks here.