My Name is Hama, I am a wife, mother, librarian and Scouter.
I worked as a teacher, editor and I am a published author.
I love crafting, reading, gardening, taking photos and walking in nature.
Once Upon a Library is inspired by my work as a librarian.
I wanted to gather information in one place that is easy to access for teachers, educators, home schoolers and everyone who is interested in learning something new.
Gathering information from the right source and present in an interesting way so kids can relate to is not an easy job, between failing and succeeding, I learned new things.
Once Upon A Library is a place where I share information, ideas , experiences, and things I like.
Once upon A Library will be updated frequently with new Information and more fun projects so don’t be a stranger and stop by anytime.
Follow us on Social media platforms to be the first to know about our new projects.
Let’s have fun reading and experiencing the magical world of books and Information !