What is Happening in August:
Civic Holiday First Monday of August
2 Aug National colouring book day
5 Aug Food day
6 Aug National sister day
7 Aug National light house day
9 Aug Book lovers day
1 2 Aug World elephant day
16 Aug National tell joke day
24 Aug National waffle day
Elephants are the largest land mammals on earth and have distinctly massive bodies, large ears, and long trunks.
With only 40,000-50,000 left in the wild, the species is classified as endangered.
it is critically endangered elephants become extinct, rainforest of central and west Africa, the second largest rainforest on earth, would gradually lose between six and nine percent of their ability to capture atmospheric carbon, amplifying planetary warming.
The goal of World Elephant Day is to create awareness of the urgent plight of African and Asian elephants, and to share knowledge and positive solutions for the better care and management of captive and wild elephants.
Elephants activities here.
Read more:
World Elephant Day
A lighthouse is a tower with a bright light on the top. It helps warn sailors of dangerous areas and serves as a navigational aid that helps to keep ships and boats safe.
The messages of these long-trusted aids to navigation are simple: either STAY AWAY, DANGER, BEWARE! or COME THIS WAY!
The earliest known lighthouse was built in Egypt over 2,000 years ago. It was massive. Named among the Seven Wonders of the World in antiquity. The Pharos in Alexandria was built of marble and sandstone. The base probably 360 ft. diameter, walls extended 100 ft. wide, 450 ft. tall. Nothing like it at the time!
Ancient China, at that time used some wooden Pagodas, doubling as light towers. Naturally located at harbor entrances. Archaeologists have found the remains of more than 30 lighthouses built by ancient Romans. The first British colonial lighthouse is located in Boston, Massachusetts. It was built in 1716. The first lighthouse in Florida is located in St. Augustine. It was lit in 1824.
According to the Canadian encyclopedia “The first documented lighthouse, built in Canada at Louisbourg in Cape Breton in 1734, was almost immediately destroyed by fire and rebuilt. It was levelled by British guns during the siege of 1758 and rebuilt several times. The oldest existing lighthouse was built on Sambro Island at the mouth of Halifax harbour in 1758. The second-oldest surviving lighthouse was built in 1809 on Green Island (Isle Verte) in the St Lawrence River, opposite the mouth of the Saguenay.”
Nowadays , the Global Positioning System (GPS), NOAA’s nautical charts, lighted navigational aids, buoys, radar beacons, and other aids to navigation effectively warn mariners of dangerous areas and guide them to safe harbours.
lighthouses remains maintained as historical monuments for generations to come
(August 7 Is recognized as National Lighthouse Day)